Sunday, August 2, 2009

teacher training

Yesterday Matt, Brianna and I went to a little town in Southern Virginia to give a teacher training. There were 19 men and women there and they were all so nice and welcoming! They came with a real desire to learn and get better at what they love to do- teach kids. Matt did most of the teaching with Brianna doing the demos. I taught one class and helped with the Q&A time. The class was so affirming and responded in a very encouraging way. The three of us left there feeling like we had accomplished what we had intended to and were encouraged by the sweet spirit we felt while we were there.
We were gone from 6:30am until 6:00pm. The kids were babysat by a very sweet lady from the CEF committee. She assured us that all the kids were well behaved and that a good time was had by all. :) The kids loved her and had great things to say about her and about the time they had. Matt and I are so grateful for her willingness to give up her Saturday and help us out like she did. Without her we would not have been able to do what we did.
I want to just comment for a minute on Brianna. We are so thankful for what God is doing in her life and how He is using her. First of all no one at the training could be believe that she is only 13. They joked that they wanted to clone her or take her home. She was told by a mom that she gave her hope for her own teenager. I saw many people hugging her and one who looked like she wasn't going to let go! Praise the Lord! The way that she demo-ed the Wordless Book surprised even Matt and I. She gave the gospel and the whole presentation in such a clear and concise way. She didn't even look nervous. (of course I know where she gets THAT from-and it's not me!) She used perfect illustrations and even was able to deal calmly with Matt who was pretending to be a difficult child. Nothing flustered her! I also want to credit my dear friend Bethany who along with Kelly was responsible for the CYIA training in NH. Brianna was a "good word" for you guys. A good student who was under superb teachers! Ultimately all the glory goes to God who is the reason we do what we do.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Now I remember! It looks like childcare worked out :) Glad you guys had such a great time! Good job Bri!!!