Saturday, September 19, 2009

soccer games

Today Alissa and Caleb had their first soccer games. Both their teams won! It was a beautiful day- perfect for soccer. (Although, being a true New Englander I wouldn't have minded it a bit cooler!) Leah didn't mind Caleb's game since it was the first one, but by Alissa's game was rather put out that she wasn't home napping in her crib. Luckily there is a Target right next door to where Lissa played her game so Matt was able to run there and get her a paci.

Andrew gave soccer a valiant try, but we finally determined that it would be too much for him this year. He was a little too nervous to play.....

Alissa's game:

Caleb's game:

Leah enjoying a book....

Here is Caleb talking to his cousin Riley. They both had games today and the next best thing to being able to watch each others games is to talk about them!

1 comment:

taffie said...

Caleb looks pretty cool in that soccer uniform! And don't worry Drew, you can always play next year if you want to. Luv, Nana