We heard about a park just two miles from our house and decided that we'd give it a go! Brianna drove us all.....in the 15 passenger van. Whew! She did a great job :)
The boys loved being able to play basketball.
I thought Micah's stroller was in the back of the van but it wasn't. So, he had to hang out in the swing for most of the time we were there. Lucky he has a nice big sister to push him :)
The best part? A dad dropped his son off at the park and just stayed in his car. The boy made his way over to the court and asked if he could play b-ball with the boys and of course they said yes. In the meantime, Brianna noticed she had lost the charm off her necklace. We all stopped to look for it and one of the kids said we should pray. Cameron used that opportunity to ask the boy if he knew what prayer was and then who God is. He ended up taking our wordless book colored soccer ball and giving the boy the entire gospel. He had the boy interacting so much, answering questions and even asking questions. By the time he was done, the boy decided he wanted to ask Jesus to be his Savior! He prayed to God in his own words and Cameron relayed some of his prayer to us. It was so sweet!
I love this park!
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