Tuesday, October 9, 2012

school days

I am still going without my camera....  so hard!  Anyway, some other moms from CC posted pictures on the CC site and I figured I'd put them here.  
Things have been going very well on Thursdays.  I teach the older class from 9:00-3:30.  Brianna and Cameron do child care from 9:00-12:00.  Caleb, Andrew, and Leah are in Foundations from 9:00-12:00.  Caleb does Essentials from 1:00-3:00.  Micah naps from 12:30-3:15.  Andrew and Leah play with their friends/watch a movie/play outside from 1:00-3:30.  Got it? ;)  Whew.  It sounds so complicated, but I am so thankful for God's grace and how it all really does work out.  I am thankful that Micah is cared for by Bri and Cam, that the other kids love their tutors and classmates, 

Cameron does CC at another campus on a different day.  Here is is with his class:

Here he is with his debate partners meeting to get their facts together.  Debate topic: Euthanasia. 

We are a busy family these days!  And I love it :)  So proud of all the kids and their hard work.

1 comment:

melanie said...

Great pictures!!! And glad your schedule is working out so great. As busy as it is:)