Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rachel Barkey

I debated on whether or not to share this. In fact, I may even delete this after I post it, but for now it's going on. I accidentally came across this video (while searching for something else) and although it was longer in length than I thought I had time for I started to watch it. I decided I'd just watch a few minutes of it and watch the rest later if it was any good. Well, I watched the whole thing in one sitting and I can't get it off my mind. Some may think it's morbid as the speaker on the video passed away just 3 days ago and it was not an easy death. Something about her testimony however really touched me. In fact it challenged me and since I watched it yesterday morning I feel like a different person. My attitude is different. So, just in case someone else may be challenged by it I'll put the link.
Rachel Barkey


Susanna said...

Hi Erika, I had also watched this video and believe it's phenomenal. It's the type of thing we should all get a grip on so that when (if) we are faced with similar circumstances, we're ready to have the mind of Christ in it. An incredible testimony. I'm thankful for her that she's no longer in pain! thanks for posting this. I hope people continue to watch her talk.

melanie said...

this was amazing....