It is that time of year again. My favorite, actually. Fall. After a summer full of chaos and disorder; no set bedtimes, many eating compromises, too much computer time and not enough quiet... it is time to have some structure. "The Schedule" is coming back! And, my kids are thankful.
This week is not starting off ideally, however since there is sickness in our family. It began with Cameron back on August 9. It has been a slow spreading one- which is my least favorite. With a family our size it makes it feel like forever. This starts with a sore throat and headache, next comes a fever, then an earache, and finally a violent cough that won't let you sleep and makes everyone around you get the same feeling you get when someone scrapes their fingernails on a chalkboard! After Cameron, Andrew got it, next came Caleb, then Alissa, then Matt and now Leah seems to be in the beginning stages of it. :( We will work though to keep the schedule and just be flexible for those who need more rest and attention.
Last Sunday at church, the pastor said something that I initially took offense to. He said it was important that we don't idolize the Bible. My first reaction was that the Bible was okay to "idolize" and how dare he make it sound like worshiping the Bible is a bad thing. It is, after all, God's Word! I am such a visual person and having something in print is just what I love.
Over the last few days though, I have come to realize a few things. If you follow Matt's blog you know that last Wednesday he took a few hours out of his day to go away and be alone with God. I was able to have a great conversation with him about his time. Matt didn't need his Bible to spend time with God, and he didn't need his Bible to know he was in the presence of God. Don't get me wrong, Matt (and all of us) needs his Bible- just doesn't need it to get alone with God or feel His presence.
I am so busy. Every day. I get up early and read my Bible; but that morning time when the house is quiet also tempts me to do some planning for my day, e-mail friends, do a load of laundry, start supper, study for a school related thing... So when I read my Bible, I can tend to check off my list that I had my Quiet Time. Reading a certain amount of chapters or verses allows me to have a beginning and an end to my time with God. What about real time with God. Real time in His presence, listening for His voice, being renewed in my spirit, communicating with Him. I was convicted. This morning, I prayed for a long time. Really poured out my heart to God. Then I read a short article in Keep a Quiet Heart by Elisabeth Elliot. After that I was led to a portion in the Psalms and that led me to my new verses to put to memory! I am working now on keeping a heart that is quiet and in God's presence all throughout the day and keeping away from the mindset that only when I am reading scripture am I having my time with Him. I knew that. But in the busyness of my life I had forgotten. Now I am trying to really live it out.
But as for me, the nearness of God is my good;
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
That I may tell of all Your works
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